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PERI-CENE Spatial Analysis Tool P-CAT

The Peri-cene is developing the Peri-urban Analysis Tool (P-CAT) Spatial Analysis tool, as an online system which provides a local applications of a global spatial dataset.

P-CAT will establish common archetypes of representative of global peri-urbanisation, ranging from. These archetypes will be overlaid on the climatic – biome types and the associated risk layers. The P-CAT tool will draw on existing global and local datasets such as the JRC’s Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). The results will be ground-truthed in two case studies in Chennai, India and Greater Manchester, UK.

On the P-CAT you can:

P-CAT City Visualisers

You can find our City Visualisers for all the PERI-CENE partner cities in the map below. Hover over the placeholder to find the relevant link.

These visualisers include spatial information about population distributions, built-up areas and degree of urbanisation based on the global dataset Global Human Settlement Layer produced by the European Union Joint Research Centre.

The visualiser has basic tools to select the layers, measure and identify features.

Attribution of the datasets can be found on each visualiser in the top right corner.


P-CAT City Surveys

Stakeholders and citizens can contribute to the discussion about peri-urbanisation by adding geospatial data to our datasets, using the City Surveys for the city of their interest.

Click on the link of the city of your interest in the map and follow the instructions.

You will add one piece of information at a time, and you can add as many inputs as you want, responding to the survey once per contribution.


P-CAT Analyses: Storymaps, dashboards and other tools

We are developing a series of analyses that are presented in multiple formats using spatial and non-spatial data.

Hover over the placeholder and check our analyses

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